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Online Virtual Art Museum Exhibitions and Tours At VR-All-Art

Explore virtual art museum exhibitions and tours - no VR hardware required. Museums can also create VR exhibitions and showcase art.

National Museum in Belgrade

Rubens' Circles

Rubens and his legacy

The oeuvre of Peter Paul Rubens, an artist who achieved unprecedented fame throughout Europe already at the beginning of his career and whose paintings in the collections of the most powerful patrons of his time were a measure of prestige has given rise to unending debates on his actual contribution to the enormous number of artworks that came out of his studio. It is clear from the enormity of the number of works bearing the mark of his artistry that, despite his exceptional talent, inexhaustible energy, and fabled speed of painting, he could not possibly have produced all of them without the help of his studio, whose size became the stuff of legend.

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Доситејев лицеј

Mузеј Вука и Доситеја

28. фебруара 1949. године, одлуком Владе НР Србије основан је Музеј Вука и Доситеја. Некадашња Вукова соба, део збирке ондашњег Народног музеја, проширена је поставком посвећеном великом просветитељу Доситеју Обрадовићу као Вуковом претходнику у борби за увођење народног језика у књижевност. У здању, у коме се Музеј данас налази, радила је од 1809. до 1813. године знаменита Велика школа. Њен идејни творац био је Доситеј, док је Вук био један од првих ученика. Због свог историјског и архитектонског значаја зграда је сврстана у категорију споменика културе од изузетног значаја, највишу у нас. Изложба посвећена овом древном здању садржи дела Емануела Муановића и Милице Чађевић из првих деценија XX века, као и позније радове Миће Поповића, Луке Младеновића и Александра Кумрића из 50-их година, уз неколико слика новијег датума. У виртуелном изложбеном простору можете погледати и вајарска дела Рудолфа Валдеца и Петра Убавкића, те тродимензионални модел здања Доситејевог лицеја.

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VR All Art AG

Henri de Toulouse-Lautrec

Public domain art from Met and Artic museum

In this virtual exhibition, you can see works of art by Henri de Toulouse-Lautrec from the collection of The Metropolitan Museum of Art and Art Institute in Chicago. These artworks are part of their public domain art collection. About the artist: Henri de Toulouse-Lautrec, (24 November 1864 – 9 September 1901) was a French painter of the Post-Impressionist period. He was born into a noble family but lived for most of his life among the actors, dancers, and prostitutes of Paris. He is famous for painting the lives of these people, the entertainment of Paris, and many portraits. He was an expert at drawing and also made many printed posters to advertise entertainments. In a 2005 auction at Christie's auction house, a new record was set when La blanchisseuse, an early painting of a young laundress, sold for $22.4 million U.S. As a young man, Toulouse-Lautrec was not able to do many of the things that other men of his age liked doing. He had been good at drawing from the time he was a child. He spent his time drawing and painting instead of joining in sports and hunting. He travelled to Paris where he met other artists as well as writers, actors and dancers. The "night life" (entertainment) of Paris had so many colourful scenes and people to paint. His paintings are famous for showing the scenes of modern life in a way they had never been shown before. Toulouse-Lautrec lived in Montmartre, a part of Paris that was famous for its "bohemian" people: artists, poets, philosophers and poor students. He was called "the soul of Montmartre". He often visited the nightclubs such as the Moulin Rouge. He also spent a lot of time at the brothels in that area, and lived for a time at the brothel at des Moulins where he was a good friend to many of the women there. Toulouse-Lautrec painted scenes of the lives of these people, which were very shocking to some people in the polite society of Paris. As well as showing the dancing, singing, acting and circus performances that many people enjoyed, he also showed people in bed together, the sad faces of people who were addicts and the half-naked prostitutes lined up for STD medical examination. Many of his pictures were of women in lesbian relationships. He painted the singer Yvette Guilbert, the dancer Jane Avril and the dancer Louise Weber, who was known as "La Goulue" ("The Greedy-Guts") and who created the leg-kicking dance called the "Can-Can", which is still danced at the "Moulin Rouge" to this day. Toulouse-Lautrec gave painting lessons to Suzanne Valadon, who was one of his models and may have also been his girlfriend. Henri Toulouse-Lautrec was an alcoholic for most of his adult life. He was put into a psychiatric hospital shortly before his death. He died from syphilis and problems caused by his alcoholism at his family's home in Malromé. He was nearly 37 years old. He is buried in Verdelais, Gironde, a few kilometres from his birthplace. Throughout his working life of fewer than 20 years, Toulouse-Lautrec created 737 canvases, 275 watercolors, 363 prints and posters, and 5,084 drawings. He also made some ceramics and stained glass. After Toulouse-Lautrec's death, his mother, the Countess Adèle Toulouse-Lautrec, and his art dealer Maurice Joyant made his art famous. His mother gave money for a museum of his works to be built in Albi, his birthplace.

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